Twenty-First Century Skills

Publié le par aguh acheeh bih


      In order to thrive in a digital economy, students will need digital age proficiencies. It is important for the educational system to make parallel changes in order to fulfill its mission to society, namely the preparation of students for the world beyond the classroom .Therefore the educational system must understand and embrace the 21st century skills within the context of rigorous academic standards. The analysis below is to look critically into both the American system of education and the Cameroonian system of education concerning: Digital age literacy, Inventive thinking, Interactive communication and quality state of arts results. There afterwards, analyze and give your perspective concerning the two systems .The table below will show the American situation, The Cameroonian situation, and perspective and point of view








To absorb basic scientific technology  literacy American students are expected to read critically write persuasively think and reason logically to solve complex problems

       Graphic interface is used to encourage visual skills like use of digital camera, videos to interpret, dictate patterns and communicate information permitting

-the assessment of information effectively and efficiently

-evaluating information critically and competently

-Using information critically

           Globalization of trade has increased the need for cultural literacy, The concern for partnership,competiion is necessary for appreciating other cultures

As concerning science and technology students  are trained to have intellectual brightness ,physical, civil and moral values for harmonious integration into society

     To enable students visualize information illustrations are being done using diagrams and maps,exsperiments are also done in school laboratories in subjects like biology, chemistry for purpose of passing exams

           Culturally, cultural literacy and global awareness students are trained to have cultural roots open to the world and respect general interest and good being of the community

Students in America are being placed on a better scale on the educational ladder as they are being trained to read critically ,think logically and write persuasively. This gives them the capacity to be able to analyze and came to good solutions in whatever subject in life. This places them on a better advantage to their Cameroonian counterparts who are only thought  to reproduce what has been thought for r examination purposes and as such are not able to use what they have been taught to solve societal problems

          The American student views information directly through graphic user interface like digital cameras ,seeming videos to communicate ideas thus making them Perceive information better than Cameroonian students  who only learn the theory and imagine the facts most of time




Globalization and web have brought complexity. Individuals are taught to react independently to change. To be self directed individuals able to analyze new conditions and skills that will deal with this condition. They should be able to take into account antigencies, anticipating and understanding independently with the system.Curiousity about structure of the world is very important as it builds up the brain and contributes to quality of life and intellectual capital of a country. Risk taking is very important as it leads to inventions and higher order learning which is very important in decision taking  problem solving designs planning ,the execution and evaluation of processes, that are often carried out more accurately  and efficiently using technological tools

The system in Cameroon is highly influenced also by globalization and the web. Thus government is trying to meet up with this changes by opening  Department of computer sciences, ENS  where teachers are trained to teach students on how to manage computer technology in order to meet with complexity

             In technical and commercial schools in Cameroon  students are taught to be inventive and not to have theoretical knowledge but also to be creative and to be able to produce things like utensils ,furniture and the possession of cooking skills

The need to adapt to complex situation posed by globalization is very crucial. In America adaptation to change is very feasible due to the availability of financial and material means. In Cameroun this adaptation is still yet to be experienced .This is as a result of  finances to bear the cost of t this adaptation,thoughthe Cameroon government is making efforts to see that technological changes is adopted in Cameroon the truth still remains that due to financial constraints and the remoteness of some areas due to lack of good water and electricity , and even the lack of roads makes it impossible for changes to be adapted in such areas

           The spirit of invention in students in Cameroon is being destroyed by lack of materials and so this adaptation of changes in globalization and the web is mostly and easily adopted by American students who have the means than Cameroonian students with little or no means


The rapid pace of today’s communication networks have added need for teaming and collaboration of specialists because the complexity of today’s world require a high level of specialization and the need of teaming up of specialists to meet up with complexity in ways that are efficient and effective and timely. Information plays an important role in collaboration like e mails, faxes, voice mail and video conferencing providing more interactive communication.

            Ethic and values is needed to guide application of science and technology in society in both community governmental levels. Students should grasp this responsibility and act like informed citizens at all levels

It is very important in today’s wired network society that students understand how to communicate using technology such as e mails, video conferencing cart rooms, and phones

The need of collaboration of specialists to meet up the pace of today’s communication network, has led to the organization of conferences and seminars by the government for people of different  fields, like doctors, teachers ,and engineers. this is in a bit of the government to bring together specialists  to achieve complex tasks in ways that are effective and efficient. Internet is installed in offices  to ease collaboration

      Students in Cameroon are being trained to have great universal ethical values which are dignity honour,intergrity and the sense of discipline

With the complexity of today’s network the world is becoming a global village. In America technology have been fully integrated into the system, so much so that all students both in secondary and higher levels are in possession of  a computer which are even used in class. This aids greatly as it eases collaborations between specialists such that e mails and video conferencing can be done at all times. The case is very different in Cameroon as only a hand full of people own computers connected to internet as such making collaboration between specialists difficult ,even conferences and seminars organized to bring specialists together is made political such that only people belonging to a particular  party can attend making collaboration very difficult

       The ethical values for both countries is yet to be accomplished as technology seem to be doing more harm than good as students turn to learn more promiscuity as they are  exposed to pornographic  pictures on the net and TV screens

       While in America students are vest  with manipulation  of computer in Cameroon even people who own computers don’t even know how to manipulate thus making communication difficult


According to Hank Levin the performance of students in test doesn’t determine productivity in workforce. Instead high productivity often determines whether a person succeeds in the work force or not

         High levels of complexity require careful planning, managing and anticipating contingencies. This requires creativity and flexibility not only in meeting the goals in projects but also to anticipate unexpected outcome

            Bill gates 12th rule for business is the ability to use digital tools to help customers solve their problems. Researchers  are even learning to award benefits to students who build authentic products with tools be it sand, castles, computer programs, and even musical compositions there by providing students with deep insides into whatever domain and whatever field of knowledge and whatever tools the use

          Doug Helton describes 3 types of knowledge important to today’s economy, know how, know what and know who with the most important being know who and know how

The performance of students in tests and examination is very important thus students are trained to meet this need

         Creativity is greatly encouraged towards meeting  a goal of a particular project

       Digital literacy and the use of digital tools is being introduced  to Ameliorate knowledge in Cameroonian students

    Much value is not given to creativity and to encourage those who can produce things and works of arts. even though something  produced locally are  kept in museums but this is purposely for touristic  use and not to encourage local production

The, encouragement of productivity for American students by their government has led to the    development of their industries and industrial products. This has gone a long way to improve their standards of living and to reduce and everybody is very happy and all talents are being encouraged and given scholarship, be it musical or hand production.

This is very contrary to Cameroon where creativity is not encouraged. Little or no assistance to students who have talent  for  local production are seen inferior .Even in cases where assistance is being it is politically manipulated such that only those who are related to top government officials are being awarded .This has therefore led to misery and mass unemployment thus leading to social delinquencies like robbery promiscuity and has reduced productivity






The current and future health of American 21st century economy depends on how broadly and deeply Americans reach a new level of literacy that include strong skills ,Thinking reasoning teamwork skills, and proficiency in using technology. This same solution is necessary for Cameroonians if they aspire for a better tomorrow. This suggests that educational decision makers must acknowledge that academic of yesterday is not sufficient for today. To adequately prepare students must learn content within the  within the context of the 21st century skills


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